Tuesday 1 July 2014

Pray for The Third Day of My UAS

Tomorrow's going to be the third day of me taking final test of this semester. I'm already at the end of year 2 (semester 4) now, woohoo!! Can't wait until next year and receive my diploma.
Tomorrow's test seems a bit boring. I mean, the test is only theory, Accounting Information System and Database Management System. That is why I go to this blog instead of reading the material.
Boring doesn't mean easy, I am the kind of person preferring learning subject which is more practical (such as accounting or maths) to theoritical.
I sometimes can't stand with memorizing. Moreover, if what I'm memorizing is something I'm not interested at. I'm good enough at memorizing only when I categorize it (like automatically) as an interesting thing to me. In this case, I have to memorize all the material about AIS and DBMS which are not interesting at all, T.T .
Now, besides only memorizing them, what I need to do is praying, hoping materials I've read and been already on my memory don't go away, at least until the test is over...


What do you think about my post?