Monday 15 July 2013

Back to RECC After Years (Duile lebay benerr =)))

Yesterday I went to a place I used to frequently visit every sunday afternoon, RECC, Real English Conversation Club(dulu R-nya itu RRI). That was my first visit again after about two years off! I arrived there at 1.50 pm (almost 2 pm  hihi) when I entered the room there were six people sitting on the floor (we sit ngampar a.k.a lesehan). Kang O** who is the president of the english club and the only person I know pretty well, told the other members that I was a new comeback(I laughed so hard at the first time hearing this term, which was two years ago). New comeback is plesetan from new comer. It's a title given to a person who is off for a long time but then comes again to the club ultimately.
They were gathering talking about our annual event in Ramadan, Orphanage Visiting. I had ever participated on this occasion in 2011(sooo long ago, isn't it?).




Tibalah saatnya discussion session, the topic was kind of uncomfortable to me. It was...
"Whoaaah why did you give us this, Kang O**???" I grumbled in my heart(di dlm hati maksudnya, apaan tuh bhs inggrisnya??haha)

Mulailah kami diskusi. I was part of group two, consisted of four members, two men and two women. Each of the man had a girlfriend, on the other hand, the women(which included me) didn't, (still don't kok, lol). Sesi diskusi berubah jadi ajang curhat, ladies and gentleman! They(two men in my group) gave us advice, wejangan, dll, pokoknya lumayan keluar dari topik, actually the questions we should discuss had been determined by Kang O** in the beginning of the session.
In that discussion, I realized one important problem I should notice and SOLVE! I was SO nervous that I couldn't say a word properly. I was blushing and my lips were twitching pretty much(lol). It was like most of english vocabularies in my head flew away. I was not confident talking about that kind of issue(so clumsy -_-).

However, I had fun a lot yesterday. There were many people talking in english very fluently(I absolutely envy them T.T). One of them whom I remember is teh I***, her english so damn crazy fluent! She talks without a long pause like me -_-"
I hope by being active again in this club, I will be able improving my english(especially  SPEAKING).

Any of you wanna join us? Just come to RRI building, it's near Pusdai, Gazibu, Museum Geologi, ah you know lah. Building that we use is in pojok belakang(what the hell is it) RRI building, or you can just ask pak satpam where RECC members are gathered usually.

See you there! ^^


  1. is it free?
    what's your activity there?
    Do you always do debate?

    1. Yup!! paling ada boks berjalan, ngasih seikhlasnya aja hehe
      we play games(can be indoor or outdoot, depends on the programmer), do discussion, joking hehe
      pokoknya bakal dipaksa byk ngomong Va, nggak terlalu mikirin grammar juga, yang penting ngomong, conversation
      ikut yuk!! :)) acaranya tiap hari minggu jam 1


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